Articles, Book Chapters, Reviews |
- Foreword, Sounds from the Heart: Learning to Listen to Girls, Maureen Barbieri (Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann) 1995.
- "How Sexism Hurts Girls in School" Young Scholar, October 1994 (co-author).
- "Surprising Ways to Help Your Daughter Succeed" McCall's, September 1994 (co-author).
- "Gender Equity in the Classroom: The Unfinished Agenda," College Board Review, Winter 1993/94 (co-author).
- "Fair and Square? Creating a Nonsexist Classroom" Instructor, March 1993 (co-authors).
- "Sex Equity: Assumptions and Strategies." The International Encyclopedia of Education, Oxford, England: Pergamon Press, 1993 (co-author).
- "Teaching in a Multicultural Classroom," New Directions for Teaching and Learning, Jossey Bass, 1992 (co-author).
- "The Issue of Gender in Elementary and Secondary Education," Review of Research in Education, Washington, D.C., American Educational Research Association, 1991, co-authors. National Award Winner, Best Review Research Article.
- "Sexism in American Education: The Hidden Curriculum," in Women, Work, and School: Occupational Segregation and its Educational Roots, Westview Press, 1991, co-author.
- "Sexuality and Sexism in School: How Should Educators Be Prepared?" Sexism, Sexuality, and Education, SUNY Press, 1992 (co-author).
- "Subtle Sexism at School," Journal of Contemporary Education, 1990 (co-author).
- "Confronting Sexism in the College Classroom," in Gender in the Classroom: Power and Pedagogy, University of Illinois Press, 1990, (co-author).
- "Questioning Skills," and "Interpersonal Skills," Chapters in Handbook of Teaching Skills, D.C. Heath, 1977, 2nd edition, 1982. 3rd edition, 1985, 4th edition, 1990, 5th edition, 1994 (co-author).
- "Gender and Education Equity," in Multicultural Education: An Introduction, James and Cherry Banks, eds. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1989. 2nd Edition 1990, 3rd Edition 1992. "Sex, Sexism, and the Preparation of Educators," Peabody Journal of Education, Summer 1989 (co-author).
- "Gender Equity and Education Reform," Educational Leadership, March 1989, (co-author).
- "Women: The Underachieving Majority," Religion and Public Education, 1987 (co-author).
- "Equity and Excellence: A Contradiction in Terms?," Theory Into Practice, Autumn, 1986 (co-author).
- From Grade School Through Graduate School: Sex Bias in Classroom Interaction. Phi Delta Kappan, April 1986 (co-author). Reprinted in School and Community. Winner, Merit Award, Edpress, "Best Professional Article in a Series," 1987.
- "Sexism in the Classroom", VocEd: Journal of the American Vocational Association, October 1985 (co-author). Reprinted in Chronicle Guidance Publications.
- "Do Men and Women Communicate Differently?" Glamour, March 1985.
- "Sexism in the Schoolroom of the Eighties", Psychology Today, March 1985 (co- author). Reprinted in The World. Reprinted in Annual Editions: Education 1986-87, 87-88, 88-89, (Dushkin Press).
- "Is the OK Classroom OK?," Phi Delta Kappan, January, 1985 (co-author).
- "Striving for Equity in Classroom Teaching," in Beyond Sex Roles, West, 1985.
- "The Treatment of Teacher Education in Attaining Sex Equity," in Handbook for Achieving Sex Equity Through Education, Johns Hopkins Press, 1985 (co-author).
- "Women's Education," The Encyclopedia of Education Research, 5th Edition, 1982 (co-author).
- "Exploding Zepezauer's Mini-Mind Field," Phi Delta Kappan, December 1981 (co- author).
- "Sex Equity and Special Education," Pointer, 1981 (co-author).
- "Diversity, Pluralism, and Textbooks," in The Textbook in American Society, Library of Congress 1981.
- "The Development and Evaluation of a Non-Sexist Teacher Education Curriculum," The High School Journal, May 1981 (co-author).
- "The One-Percent Solution," Phi Delta Kappan, April 1980 (co-author).
- "Sex Equity in Teacher Education: An Issue for the Eighties," The Journal of Teacher Education, 1980 (co-author).
- "Sexism in Teacher Education Texts," Harvard Educational Review, February 1980 (co-author).
- "Sex Bias in Reading and Language Arts Teacher Education Texts," The Reading Teacher, February 1980 (co-author).
- "Sex Equity in Teacher Education Texts: The Invisible Issue," Interracial Books for Children, October, 1979 (co-author).
- Review of Collegiate Women, in The Review of Education, April 1978.
- "New Directions for Microteaching: The Development of Affective Skills," The Journal of Humanistic Psychology, October 1977 (co-author).
- Review of Women and Education, in The Review of Education, September/October 1976.
- "Death: A Fact of Life in Children's Literature," Instructor, February 1976 (co-authors).
- "Strategies for Nonsexist Teaching," chapter in Teaching About Women in the Social Studies, 1975. Reprinted in Values, Concepts, and Techniques, National Education Association, 1976.
- "Sexism in Schools," Journal of Teacher Education, Winter, 1975.
- "A Competency Based Approach to Nonsexist Teacher Preparation," Clearing House, October 1975 (co-author).
- "Two Graduate Students Remember the U Mass Revolution," Phi Delta Kappan, September 1975 (co-author).
- "Microteaching for Affective Skills," Elementary School Journal, October 1975 (co-author).
- "A Methodology for Increasing Higher Order Questions," Elementary English, April 1974 (co-author).
- "Values Clarification--Strategies for Confronting Sexism in the Classroom," Instructor, September 1974 (co-author).
- "Sexism: An Issue for the '70s," Journal of National Association of Women Deans and Counselors, January 1974 (co-author). Reprinted in The Psychology of Open Teaching and Learning, Little Brown, 1975. Reprinted in Education Digest. Reprinted in Commonlife Bulletin.
- "Elements of Sex Bias in Public Schools," in Contemporary Issues in Educational Psychology, edited by Meredith Gall and Beatrice Ward, Houghton, Mifflin, 1974.
- "Clarifying Sexist Values," Social Education, December 1973 (co-author).
- "School Against Boys, School Against Girls," Instructor, March 1973.
- "School as Seen by Children," Elementary School Journal. March 1973, (co-author).
- "Lost Potential: The Impact of Sexism in Schools," Wisconsin Academy Review, Spring 1973 (co-author).
- "Sexual Discrimination in the Elementary Schools," National Elementary Principal, October 1972 (co-author). Reprinted in Sex Role Stereotypes, NEA, 1972.
- "Are You Guilty of Teaching Sex Bias?" Instructor, August-September 1972. Reprinted in Chronicle Guidance, Moravia, New York.
- "What Do We Know About Microteaching?" Educational Leadership, April 1972 (co-author).
- "Nepotism: A Clause for Concern," Phi Delta Kappan, February 1972 (co-author).
- "The Education of El Toot" The National Elementary Principal, May 1970. Reprinted in The Elementary School, Humanizing? Dehumanizing?, National Education Association, 1971.
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