David Sadker is a Courage & Renewal facilitator who teaches and writes in Tucson, Arizona. Working with healers, educators, social workers, lawyers, political and business leaders, as well as spiritual communities, David employs poetry, storytelling, music, art, reflection and mindfulness to create a circle of trust, a place where individuals can explore their inner landscape. As a Courage and Renewal® Facilitator prepared by the Center for Courage and Renewal, David builds on the work of Parker Palmer, enabling individuals to bring their role and soul into greater harmony, and to reignite their life’s purpose. For more information, contact David Sadker at [email protected].
With his late wife Myra, Dr. Sadker gained a national reputation for research and publications promoting equity in education. He has directed more than a dozen federal education grants, authored seven books and more than seventy-five articles. His work has been reported in hundreds of newspapers and magazines including The Washington Post, The New York Times, The London Times and Newsweek, and he has appeared on numerous television and radio shows, including The Today Show, Good Morning America, The Oprah Winfrey Show, National Public Radio’s All Things Considered, The Diane Rehm Show, Talk of the Nation, and twice on Dateline: NBC with Jane Pauley. Dr. Sadker has degrees from CCNY, Harvard University, and the University of Massachusetts, and is professor emeritus at The American University (Washington, DC).
The Sadkers’ book, Failing at Fairness: How Our Schools Cheat Girls (1995), was revised with Karen Zittleman Still Failing at Fairness (2009). He is also the co-author of a best-selling teacher education textbook Teachers, Schools and Society (McGraw Hill, 2013), now in its 10th edition, and A Brief Introduction to Teachers, Schools and Society (McGraw Hill, 4th edition in 2015).
The Sadkers were honored with national awards from The American Educational Research Association, The American Association of University Women, and The American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education. In 2012, they were selected as one of “Nine Most Influential Actors in Title IX History” by The American Civil Liberties Union. David Sadker has been awarded two honorary doctorates, and was selected as a torchbearer in the 2002 Olympics.
David Sadker bearing the 2002 Olympic torch |