Karen Zittleman (Ph.D.) is an education author and teacher. She attended the University of Wisconsin for her bachelor’s degree in kinesiology and American University for her master’s degree and doctorate in education. Karen loves teaching and has taught in elementary and middle schools, at the collegiate level, and as an online virtual teacher for professional development courses.
Karen is co-author of Teachers, Schools, and Society (McGraw-Hill), a leading education textbook, and Still Failing at Fairness, a trade book exploring gender bias in schools. Her articles have appeared in the Journal of Teacher Education, Educational Leadership, Phi Delta Kappan, Principal and other professional journals and texts. She also wrote Making Public Schools Great for Every Girl and Boy, a guide for promoting equity in math and science instruction for the National Educational Association and educational film guides for A Hero for Daisy and Apple Pie: Raising Champions. She is Foundation Manager for the Myra Sadker Foundation. Her academic interests focused on educational equity, effective teaching, and contemplative practices in education. She also facilitates workshops on entrepreneurism, conscious aging, and purposeful living.
Karen lives in Tucson, Arizona, and delights in the wonders of the desert. She feels blessed in every way and finds the spaciousness of the desert nourishing for her inner spirit. She enjoys hiking mountain trails, playing in her backyard flower garden, and connecting with the wisdom of Mother Earth. Ancient and native healing traditions inspire her physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. She studies the alchemy of essential oils, practices reflexology, and is a Reiki Master Teacher.
Karen believes deeply in the universal energies that connect us all. Karen strives to bring enthusiasm, light and a compassionate presence to her work and play.

[email protected]
(p) 520-343-3735